531 Days. That’s how many days passed since Nintendo held a proper Direct showcase and it comes to an end tomorrow.
Nintendo shared the announcement on their Twitter earlier today. The Nintendo Direct will air tomorrow, February 17, at 4 pm CT. The post said it will last roughly 50 minutes with information on games like Super Smash Bros Ultimate and upcoming games in the first half of 2021. No further details were shared.
While speculation on what will be announced runs rampant, fans have been longing for a direct to take place. The company held many “Direct”-like showcases to end 2019 and throughout 2020. These included Indie World and Direct Mini, but those mostly focused on smaller titles or third party developers. Nintendo using the dormant Direct at the very least reveals information for first party titles is on the horizon. Zelda fans hope it’s for them.
Breath of the Wild 2 News on the Way?
The timing could point to this being the case. Sunday marks the 35th anniversary for The Legend of Zelda. Nintendo celebrated Super Mario Bros 35th anniversary in 2020 and released a number of titles, including the Super Mario 3D All-Stars collection. A similar collection would be reasonable as Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and some other titles are not on the Switch platform. The announcement fans undoubtedly want to hear will be on The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild sequel.
Nintendo released the first look trailer for what fans dubbed the Breath of the Wild 2 in June of 2019. The video ended with a title card saying the sequel is in development. Little has been said on the game since. The last time the game even got mentioned took place in September 2020. In the announcement video for Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, series producer Eiji Aonuma told fans to “wait a bit longer” for news.
The only thing nearly certain will be the announcement of the next fighter for Super Smash Bros: Ultimate. Sephiroth became the most recent fighter to enter the roster. The latest fighter pass will see three more fighters enter the quarrel. It is unknown if a third fighter pass will be announced in the future.
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