First we want to to acknowledge and remember all those who paid the ultimate sacrifice on this Memorial Day. Their heroism allows us to enjoy the life we have here in the United States and for many others around the world. Now for those looking to dive into a game on this extended holiday, we got you covered. Here are five video games you can get on a discount and support Press Start. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt USD-58306508 ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Five Games To Check Out
1. Diamond Collection Bundle – PC

You can get started with a collection of games or each individually if you want. Fanatical curates bundles for sale quite often and the Diamond Collection includes quite a few good ones. You can pick from 19 different titles to get the most bang for you buck. The more you add, the more you save with 10 titles costing $39.99. The highlights include Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience, Superhot, John Wick Hex, and Shenmue 3. Important to note, Fanatical is based in the UK. So be sure to use a card that does not charge foreign transaction fees to avoid additional costs.
2. Nioh Collection – PS5

Those looking for a challenge can look no further than this fantastic bundle for the PS5. Nioh Collection features Nioh 1 and Nioh 2 Complete Editions remastered for the next-gen console. The bundle includes all major DLC for both games and hits 120 fps for those with a supported monitor. I love both these games for its setting and gameplay. It’s well worth the time and investment for those willing to learn from dying over and over again. You can get it on Amazon for $39.99
3. Triangle Strategy – Switch

One of my most anticipated RPGs for 2022 and it did not disappoint. Triangle Strategy was developed and published by Square Enix exclusively for the Nintendo Switch. Those longing for a tactical strategy RPG filled with political drama and impactful choices will love this title. It received an Opencritic score of 83. Amazon brings this discount at $10 off the retail price.
4. Dying Light 2: Stay Human – XBS, PS5, PS4

Another title many anticipated for years that didn’t disappoint. Many hoped Dying Light 2 would nail the parkour traversal of a new region with engaging combat like the first one did. After years of waiting and delays, it came out and succeeded, for the most part that is. Outside of a number of bugs that still impacts the game, the title received generally positive reviews. You can get the Xbox Series, PS4, and PS5 version for $15 off on Amazon.
5. Tales of Arise – PS5 (PS4 & Xbox Discount as Well)

What a fantastic game to start the series on the latest gen. Tales of Arise does an excellent job in story telling, gameplay, and visuals. I absolutely love the combat and never grow tired of it over the 40-50 hours to complete. Amazon drops the PS5 version of the game to $31.75. Those that want the PS4 version which comes with the PS5 upgrade, will need to pay a little more at $36.49. The Xbox version is also on sale, but again a little higher at $36.65.